2018 General Election Elected 59 — 41
The Democrats Got Talent
Really. How do they find these people?
Chrissy Houlahan https://www.chrissyhoulahanforcongress.com/ and her husband are both approaching fifty. They have two children in their twenties. She is ready for a new challenge. PA 06 is that challenge — a suburban and rural district north and west of Philadelphia. She is another DCCC Red to Blue candidate.
Chrissy Houlahan is probably the only person named Houlahan whose father was a Holocaust survivor. Her father came from Europe to the US as a four year old with his mother. As a young man, he joined the navy and ultimately retired as a captain. Chrissy Houlahan lived the life of a military brat — moving from base to base and school to school. It turns out, American military schools are pretty good. She continued on to other good schools – Stanford on an ROTC scholarship with an engineering major and then to MIT for an MS in Technology and Policy.
Chrissy Houlahan was a captain in the US Air Force — three years active duty, thirteen in the Inactive Reserve. She has been a businesswoman, working as the Chief Operating Officer and transforming a start up into a national apparel and footwear brand. She founded and served as COO of B-Lab,”a nonprofit organization that serves a global movement of people using business as a force for good.” For variety, she worked as a chemistry teacher in North Philadelphia with Teach for America and served as COO/CFO of an early childhood education nonprofit.
Chrissy Houlahan’s is a Trump inspired campaign. If Trump had not been elected president, she would not be running for Congress. Her complaints about Trump are
- his “efforts in rushing to pass a health care bill that raises premiums and kicks millions off their coverage. …. [
- Through incendiary word and irresponsible deed, [he] is insulting and confusing allies, encouraging and promoting adversaries, and upsetting international stability and the world marketplace…. [
- the … aggressive.. moves to reverse sound environmental protection programs ….affect the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Her complaint about the incumbent for PA 06 is that he is going along for the ride. LIke the rest of the Republican Congress, he agrees with and helps Trump.
Chrissy Houlahan is new to politics, but she is not an amateur. She has raised almost as much money as the incumbent. There are those who complain they don’t know what Democrats stand for. Here is what ChrissyHoulahan is for:
- Healthcare as a right. Provided through an insurance system that has everyone sharing a part of the burden.
- Education as a right. The federal government providing support to state and local governments to ensure that every child (and adult for that matter) is prepared for the world of tomorrow and the economy of tomorrow.
- A growing economy. The US economy would pay decent wages and equal and positive treatment to workers rather than serve the wealthiest 1% or even the wealthiest 10%.
- Money out of politics. The US election system would minimize the role of special interests, ensure transparency, and allow ordinary people to run for office.
- Protect the environment and combat climate change. Business and government together can both do their work and sustain the environment. Trump’s belief that climate change is a hoax is risible.
- Support Veterans and their families. The US should ensure appropriate treatment for veterans. What’s more, Congress should resume its authority regarding making war.
- Support Women’s Health. Women should make health decisions for themselves with the assistance of their doctors and their faith. Paid family and medical leave make for more secure families and better health.
These are Democratic principles. We can support someone who believes in them. If there is a good time to knock off an incumbent Republican Congressman, this is it. PA 06 is one of the Republican held districts carried by Hillary Clinton.
Chrissy Houlahan is a great candidate knock a Republican out of office.
Help Chrissy Houlahan https://www.chrissyhoulahanforcongress.com/ succeed in politics the way she has succeeded in business and in life. A monthly donation would be great.