Political Note #513 Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky elections

Check out the website: https://lenspoliticalnotes.com  Look at the recent Political Notes and Len’s Letters on the website:  October 13th   , 2022          Political Note #513 Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky elections 2022                          General Election This is the South.  Except for Georgia which is some kind of mixture of the South and an industrial state. Except for Tennessee and Kentucky which are border states.  South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi really are the South. Together, these states. Altogether, these states, which have a total population about half way between Texas and California, have 12 Senators to Texas’s 2.  Here is…

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103120 Lens Letters #33 What should the Democrats do about the Federal Courts?

Joe Biden’s Commission should propose an expansion of the District Courts and the Circuit Courts of Appeals.

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Political Note #332 The Campaign for the Senate

Can Democrats complete this cycle with a 56-44 US Senate majority?

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Len’s Letters #30 Male Candidates for Whom Donations Could Make A Difference

Choose a few of these.  Make donations. It is easy.  Just go to the links for their websites.

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