Len’s Political Note #681 We have a presidential election to win
Make your contributions in the last few days of the 2024 election count.
Make your contributions in the last few days of the 2024 election count.
Has Kamala Harris been specific enough about her policies to win your vote? to win the election?
Donald Trump’s lies are different in kind and extent from the lies of any other American politician.
Re-elect Joe Biden. He has been an outstanding President.
Democrats are haunted by Al Gore’s loss to George W Bush in 2000.
Samuel Adams, Ulysses S Grant, and Harry Truman had a profound effect on the US. Is Joe Biden in their league?
What a difference Joe Biden is making. A foreign policy intended to strengthen democracy rather than to weaken it; a foreign policy that includes a military with strong leadership rather than eroded leadership, a foreign policy which values information and does not denigrate those who provide the information on which policy is based
Today’s Note addresses oldies, but goodies: what I’ve called the traditional economic team. The Department Commerce, The Department of Labor, the Small Business Administration, and the Office of the US Trade Representative.
Joe Biden announced his top four figures at the Justice Department all in one swoop. It was like a breath of fresh air, a glass of water when you’re parched, a promise of justice when injustice had been the rule.
What characterizes these people is that, like almost all of the Biden nominees and appointees, they have the right experience to take on their new job.