Len’s Political Note #620 Taking stock of the Democratic Incumbent Leaners
Look at Democratic incumbents who are leaders. By my count, Democrats are winning the House by a few seats.
Look at Democratic incumbents who are leaders. By my count, Democrats are winning the House by a few seats.
Al Gross is running in the special election and the general election for Alaska's Congressional district. His principal opponent appears to be Sarah Palin.
USA Today’s Caller Times endorsed M.J. Hegar for the US Senate noting her description of herself as an “ass-kicking, motorcycle riding, Texas Democrat.”
Joseph Kopser volunteered to serve in Iraq. Convinced the Bush administration did not have a plan to succeed there, he hoped to be part of a plan that would succeed. He helped organize elections to replace the old regime. Those elections were not a solution. Genuine elections turned out to be impossible. So he sought combat. He joined the First Cavalry Division, fought, and lost friends in Iraq and Afghanistan. He carried on, dismayed with America's leadership in the war. When he returned home and to civilian life, he co-founded a technology company (for commuter navigation), served as CEO, sold it to Daimler Benz. Not long after that, he turned to politics.