Dare I eat a peach?” If I take a bite, what will happen? I just might bite my tongue. A few words about the consequences of Barr’s summary of Mueller’s Report. I have to take a bite.
The House Committee investigations will keep on keeping on. Less frenetically. No collusion, no exoneration. Not enough to impeach.
They have work to do. Investigations are for the purpose of understanding. Eliot Engel’s Foreign Relations Committee, Maxine Waters’ Financial Services Committee, Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee, Elijah Cummings Oversight Committee all have work to do to understand what happened and what is happening.
Less political and more dangerous for Trump and those close to him are the prosecutors in New York, the US Attorneys in New York and the Washington area. They will keep on keeping on at the pace they have been working. When they are doing their job, prosecutors are moved by the crime, not by the political atmosphere.