Can JD Scholten bring his fastball to Congress? The Republicans of IA 04 ousted Steven King. King was the one who asked what was wrong with supporting white nationalism. As opposed to the one who said there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville. The national Republicans scuttled away from King, but they cling to Trump. As does Randy Feenstra, who defeated King in the primary last week. Feenstra describes himself as a true Christian conservative who defines life as beginning with conception. A former county treasurer, he cut taxes in the state legislature and has targeted property taxes as well. The pundits have declared IA 04 as safe for Republicans again.
JD Scholten is an amiable and popular local. He wasn’t a good enough pitcher to make it in the Bigs. He probably would have defeated King, had King won the primary. What does he say now? He says that at least Steve King was an independent man; Randy Feenstra is beholdened to the corporations that funded him. Can he take that critique and capitalize on the regard he has earned?
The Democrats could use him. On their baseball team, if nothing else. His fastball approaches 90 mph.