1. There is an enclave on your border. You think they might serve as a base for people who want to encourage a territory within your country, what should you do?
    1. You negotiate with them. You monitor your border carefully. You intercept terrorists who attempt to disrupt your country. There should be a rule that makes it clear: Turkey was wrong to invade Syria to attack Syrian Kurds. India was wrong to shut down communications in Kashmir in order to root out terrorists.
    2. Do you disagree? Let me know.
  2. There is a part of your country that has an independence movement. The people of that region want to have a vote on independence.
    1. Scotland voted, in 2014, on independence after an agreement between the UK government and the Scottish government that it was OK to have a vote. Should the people or the parliament of the UK have had a say in this process? Perhaps only if there was a majority “Yes” vote from Scotland. Is a majority enough to make a chance like that? Should Scotland have had a supermajority requirement? 60%, 75%? Should the UK have had a voice? 50%? Or a supermajority requirement? A veto of Scottish independence if 60% or 75% if the UK opposes Scottish independence?
    2. Catalan wanted to vote on independence for Catalonia from Spain. Spain would not allow the vote and has convicted and jailed governmental leaders for arranging it. Perhaps Spain should have allowed it. Requiring a 60% or 75% supermajority vote by the Catalonia public or legislature. Authorizing a veto if 60% or 75% of the Spanish legislature or the Spanish public oppose Catalonian independence?