
The New York Times did a story about how different approved US History textbooks in California and Texas. The Times noted particularly how differently those books treated Reconstruction and resistance to progress for African Americans during the period preceding the Civil Rights movement The Times noted how differently these history books treated issues related to gays and immigration and periods of accumulation of great wealth.

The Times was not explicitly critical of the history books used in Texas. The Times praised a Texas history teacher willing to discuss redlining even though it was not addressed in his students’ text book. They quoted him as saying he wanted his students to study history on their own.

I think having these two books is a great opportunity. An opportunity reminiscent of how some people have treated teaching religion in school. It is clearly not OK to teach religion in public schools in order to proselytize. It is more than OK to teach religion in public schools to better understand various religions.

It would be great to teach US history and have both the Texas and California books available. Kids. Let’s read the section in each book about Reconstruction. Do a little research. I’m going to divide the class in half. One half will look for evidence that supports the Texas viewpoint. The other half will look for evidence that supports the California viewpoint. The could even take that on in Texas and California. In either state, they would be using the approved US History textbook.