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January 11th , 2025 Len’s Political Note #698 Electing the Chair of the DNC
2025 Party Election
On February 1, the Democratic National Committee is scheduled to elect a new Chair. Has anyone asked your opinion? If someone asked, would you have an opinion? Who elects the DNC chair anyhow? What does the DNC do? And what does its Chairperson do?
The DNC is the official governing body of the Democratic Part. Officially, it organizes the national convention, drafts the platform, coordinates campaign strategies at the national, state, and local level. It does polling and research and fundraising. Officially, it oversees the state Democratic committees and other committees like the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC).
Unofficially, every candidate for every local, state, and federal position runs his or her own campaign to reflect his or her beliefs. For some, the money the DNC and the DSCC and the DCCC can provide are crucial. In some respects, those funds are crucial for credibility as well as for the money itself. As a result, being the Chair of the DNC is a little like herding animals that do not take to being in a herd – like cats.
There are hopeful suggestions. Simon Rosenberg of the Hopium Chronicles wants the DNC to become the “central communications hub of the new opposition”. He imagines the DNC producing watchable and effective YouTube content that dominates and organizes the period between elections and helps us with our communications about the policies we oppose.
If you want to have an impact on the selection of the DNC Chair, you would want to be in touch with members of the DNC. There are 448 of them – so someone reported. That includes the chair and vice chair of each state Democratic Party as well as the Democratic Party in US territories. Additional representatives are apportioned by population. House and Senate leaders are included. So are some governors. mayors, state legislative leaders, and so on – usually as identified by the organization of Democratic mayors, say.
The DNC leadership includes the Chair, fives Vice Chairs, a secretary, a treasurer, and a national finance chair. This Leadership is influential, but it appears that the entire membership participates in the election.
So…. If you have an opinion, let the Leadership know who you prefer. You might also let the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the state parties know – particularly those from the state where you live in and other states you have a connection with. Try it. It would be novel for them to receive opinions from the public.
The New York Times says the heads of two midwestern state parties are the front runners: Ken Martin of Minnesota and Ben Wikler of Wisconsin.
Ken Martin of Minnesota is 51. He has a BA from the University of Kansas and won an award for his involvement in student government and other activities on behalf of students. Before he became Chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party in 2011, he supported the Bill Clinton campaign on college campuses, worked for the Kansas Democratic Party, worked for the Minnesota Party, worked on various candidate campaigns and led a campaign to add a clean water amendment to the Minnesota constitution. He was named Party Chair after running Mark Dayton’s successful campaign for governor,
The New York Times reports that what distinguishes his campaign is his plan to strengthen the state parties. The Times notes that he raised considerable money for his own state party as opposed, perhaps, for the national party, the DNC. He is popular among the state party chairs and has served as the President of the Association of State Democratic Committees. That orientation harks back to the leadership of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, who became Party Chair after his failed presidential campaign and worked to strengthen the Democratic Party in every state.
Ben Wikler of Wisconsin is 43. He has a BA from Harvard. His high school experience included a protest against the Madison School District’s exclusive contract with Coca Cola and persuading the school board to add a student representative. His experience in college had a national or international character to it as he worked to get the world to combat AIDS. He interned with Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, worked with internationally known psychologist Jeffrey Sachs, and contributed to the humor magazine the Onion.
After college, he worked with humorist and eventual Senator from Minnesota Al Franken on his book Lies and Lying Liars and produced Al Franken’s radio show. After serving as Sherrod Brown’s press secretary in his Senate campaign, he was editor in chief of Comedy 23/6. He worked for the global activist organization Avaaz, created radio shows and podcasts, eventually doing the same for the American progressive organization Move On. By 2014, he was Move On’s Washington Director during which time he encouraged Elizabeth Warren to run for president. He became chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party in 2018, leading a slate to an overwhelming victory.
The New York Times distinguishes him from other candidates for his strong connection to national Democratic donors. There are three other qualities that distinguish him from other candidates. He has a relatively more progressive ideological bent than others. He is particularly comfortable with contemporary methods of communication, especially podcasts. He is the only candidate with a powerful announced supporter – Minority Leader of the US Senate, Chuck Schumer.
There is one other candidates worth noting:
Martin O’Malley of Maryland is 61. He has a BA from Catholic University and a JD from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. A former City Counselor and Mayor of Baltimore and a former two term Governor of Maryland. Before running for elective office, he was involved in a Maryland US Senate campaign. As a City Councilor he coordinated Senator Bob Kerrey’s Maryland campaign. He ran for mayor with plans to reduce crime. As mayor he introduced a statistical tracking system to identify and police areas with greater crime and a zero-tolerance approach which led to accusations of harassment of Blacks.
He ran for governor on his record in Baltimore, reducing crime and revitalizing the city. Elected in 2006 and again in 2010, which was a bad year for Democrats, he was generally progressive on issues like ending the electoral college, supporting gay rights, and ending capital punishment. His presidential campaign in 2016, however, when nowhere,
On December 5, the New York Times reported that Martin had more than 100 pledged votes, Wikler had 83, and O’Malley had around 60. Should there be a stalemate, Committee members could conceivably look elsewhere.
Make yourself heard. Call and leave a message. Send a message however you can.
If you want to follow my inclination, urge support for Ben Wikler. His skills seem different, more contemporary, more of what the Democrats needed to reach the people who were reluctant to vote in 2024.
My point in writing this piece is not so much to urge Wikler’s appointment as it is to persuade the members of the DNC that Democrats throughout the country are watching, have opinions, need to be listened to. Make yourself listened to:
Ballotpedia reports that, as of last month, the Democratic leadership was:
Chair: Jaime Harrison, former head of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Use the DNC website contact page:
Vice Chair: Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan. Use the Governor’s office contact page: The phone, they say, is for constituent services.
Vice Chair Tammy Duckworth, Senator from Illinois. Washington office: (202) 224-2854
Vice Chair Henry Munoz III, a Texas businessman and former DNC Finance Chair. Try @HenryRMunozIII on X (formerly known as Twitter.}
Vice Chair Ken Martin, Chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. try Wish him well.
Secretary Jason Rae President and CEO of the Milwaukee area LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce Try or snail mail at 1032 15th Street NW #190, Washington DC 20005
Treasurer Virginia McGregor, Board Chair, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. Use the DNC website contact page:
Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond, former LA Congressman and Sr Advisor to President Joe Biden. Try @RepRichmond on X (formerly known as Twitter)
National Finance
Chair Chris Korge, Florida based attorney and prolific fundraiser. Call and leave a message at his law firm: 305-444-5630
Senate Minority.
Leader Chuck Schumer of New York. Call and leave a message (202) 224-6542
House Minority
Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York. Call and leave a message (202) 225-5936
Chair, DLCC
(state leg) NY State Senate Leader Andrea Stewart – Cousins. Call and leave a message at her Albany, NY office. (518) 455-2585
Chair, DCCC. Washington Rep Suzan DelBene. Call her DC office and leave a message 202-225-6311
Chair, DSCC. Michigan Senator Gary Peters. Call and leave a message at his DC office: 202-224-6221
Chair, DGA. Kansas Governor Laura Kelly. Call Topeka and leave a message 785-368-8500
And here is a list of state party chairs and vice chairs with contact information.
- Alabama
- Randy Kelly, Chair
- Tabitha Isner, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- (334) 262-2221
- P.O. Box 950
Montgomery, AL 36101
- Alaska
- Mike Wenstrup, Chair
- Jessica Cook, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 907-258-3050
- PO Bpx 240207 Anchorage, AK 99524
- Arizona
- Yolanda Bejaran, Chair
- Paul Eckerstrom, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 602-298-4200
- PO Box 36123, Phoenix AZ 85067
- Arlansas
- Grant Tenille, Chair
- Jannie Cotton, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 502.374-2361
- 300 W. Capitol Ave, Little Rock, AR 72201
- California
- Rusty Hicks, Chair
- Betty Lee, Vice Chair (listed first of two)
- Contact
- 916-442-5707
- 1830 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
- Colorado
- Shad Murib, Chair
- Indira Duggirala, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 303-623-3762
- Connecticut
- Nancy DiNardo, Chair
- Jimmy Tickey, Vice Chair (listed first of two)
- Contact
- 860-560-1775
- 750 Main Street, Suite 1108, Harford, CT 06103
- Delaware
- Betsy Maron, Chair. 302-328-9036
- Coby Owens, Vice Chair. 302-668-3326
- Contact
- 302-328-9036
- PO Box 2065, Wilmington, DE 19899
- Florida
- Nikki Fried, Chair
- Judy Mount, Vice Chair
- 850-223-3411
- 201 South Monroe St., Suite 300, Tallahassee FL 32301
- Georgia
- Congresswoman Nikema Williams, Chair
- Matthew Wilson, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 404-889-6526
- PB Box 89292, Atlanta, GA 30312
- Hawaii
- Derek Turbin, Chair
- Mina Morita Vice Chair
- Contact
- 808-596-2980
- 627 South Street, Suite 105, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Idaho
- State Rep Lauren Necochea, Chair
- Evan Koch , 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 208-336-1815
- PO Box 445, Boise, ID 8370
- Illinois
- Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, Chair
- Congressman Bobby Rush, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 312-210-0485
- PO Box 10692, Chicago IL 60610
- Indiana
- Mike Schmuhl, Chair
- Myla Eldridge, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 317=231-7100
- 101 W. Washington St., 1110 East, Indianapolis, IN 46204
- Iowa
- Rita Hart, Chair
- Gregory Christensen, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 515-244-7292
- 5661 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321
- Kansas
- Jeanna Repass, Chair,
- Shawn Junkins, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 785-234-0425
- PO Box 1914, Topeka, KS 66601
- Kentucky
- Colmon Elridge, Chair
- Colleen Younger, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 502-695-4828
- PO Box 694, Frankfort, KY 40602
- Louisiana
- Randal Gaines, Chair
- Katie Darling, 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 225-336-4155
- PO Box 4385, Baton Rouge, LA 70821
- Maine
- Bev Uhlenhake, Chair.
- Julian Rogers, Vice Chair.
- Contact
- 207-622-6233
- PO Box 5258, Augusta, ME 04332
- See email addresses above
- Maryland
- Ken Ulman, Chair
- Charlene Dukes, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 410-269-8818
- 275 West Street, Suite 70, Annapolis, MD 21401
- Massachusetts
- Steve Kerrigan, Chair
- Deb Kozikowski, Vice Chair (first VC listed)
- Contact
- 617-939-0800
- 11 Beacon Street Suite 410, Boston, MA
- Michigan
- Lavora Barnes, Chair
- Jason Morgan, 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 517-371-5410
- 6060 Townsend, Lansing MI 48933
- (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party)
- Ken Martin, Chair. (Note: candidate for DNC Chair)
- Marge Hoffa, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 651-293-1200
- 255 East Plato Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55107
- Mississippi
- State Rep Cheikh Taylor, Chair
- Jodie Brown, Executive Vice Chair
- Contact
- 601-969-2913
- 811 East River Place Suite 102, Jackson, MS 39202
- Missouri
- Russ Carnahan, Chair
- Yvonne Reeves-Chong, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 573-777-1364
- 4218 Roanoke Rd. Suite 304, Kansas City MO 64111
- Montana
- Robyn Driscoll, Chair
- Pat Noonan, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 406-442-9520
- 313 N. Ewing Street, Helena MT 59601
- Nebraska
- Jane Kleb, Chair
- Ron Kaminski, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 402-434-2180
- 3701 O Street, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68510
- Nevada
- Daniele Monroe-Moreno, Chair
- Daniel Corona, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 702-737-8683
- 2310 Paseo Del Prado, Suite A120, Las Vegas, NV 89102
- New Hampshire
- Raymond Buckley, Chair
- Martha Fuller Clark, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- 603-25-6899
- 105 N. State Street, Concord, NH 03301
- New Jersey
- LeRoy J. Jones Jr., Chair
- Marguerite “Peg” Schaffer, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 609-392-3367
- 142 W. State St., Trenton, NJ 08608
- New Mexico
- Jessica Velasquez, Chair:
- Manny Crespin, Vice Chair:
- Contact
- 505-236-4996
- 4013 Silver Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
- or see above
- New York
- Jay Jacobs, Chair:
- Christine Quinn, Executive Committee Chair
- Pamela Hunter, First Vice Chair
- Contact
- Contact Form:
- 64 Beaver Street, New York, NY 10004
- North Carolina
- Anderson Clayton, Chair:, 919-821-2777 Ext 1217]]
- Jonah Garson, 1st Vice Chair
- 919-821-2777
- PO Box 1926, Raleigh, NC 27602
- or see above
- North Dakota
- Ada Goldwyn Chair:
- Lisa Finley-Deville, Vice Chair:
- Contact
- 701-255-0460
- PO Box 9946, Fargo, ND 58106
- (see above)
- Ohio
- Liz Walters, Chair
- Andrew Washington, Vice Chair
- Contact:
- 614-233-1138
- 69 East Broad Street, Suite 2102, Columbus, OH 43215
- Oklahoma
- Alicia Andrews, Chair
- Cory Williams, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 405-427-3366
- 3815 N. Santa Fe Ave. Suite 122, Oklahoma City, OK 7311
- Contact form:
- Oregon
- Rosa Colquitt, PhD Chair
- Kim Schmith, Vice Chair (First listed)
- Contact
- 553-224-8200
- 1220 SW Morrison Street, Suite 910, Portland, OR, 97205
- Pennsylvania
- State Senator Sharif Street, Chair
- Peggy Crowe, Vice Chair
- Contact:
- 717-920-8470
- 510 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
- Contact form:
- Rhode Island
- Liz Beretta-Perik, Chair
- James Diossa, 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 401-563-7145]
- 200 Metro Center Blvd. Warwick RI 02886
- South Carolina
- Christale Spain, Chair
- Colleen Condon, 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 803-799-7798
- The Don and Carol Fowler Center, 1929 Gadsden St. SC 29201
- South Dakota
- Shane Merrill, Chair
- Jessica Meyers, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 605-271-5405
- PO Box 1485, Sioux Falls, SD 57101
- Tennessee
- Hendrell Remus, Chair
- Rachel Campbell, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 615=327-9779
- 4900 Centennial Blvd. Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37209
- Texas
- Gilberto Hinojosa, Chair:
- Shay Wyrick-Cathey, Vice Chair:
- Contact
- 512-478-9800
- PO Box 15707, Austin, TX 78761
- Utah
- Diane Lewis, Chair
- Oscar Mata, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 801-328-11212
- 825 N 300 W Ste C400, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
- Vermont
- David Glidden, Chair
- Amanda Gustin, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 802-229-1783
- PO Box 1220, Montpelier, VT 05601
- Virginia
- Susan Swecker, Chair:
- Gaylene Kanoyton, 1st Vice Chair
- Contact
- 804-644-1966
- 919 East Main Street, Suite 2050, Richmond VA 23219
- or see above
- Washington
- Shasti Conrad, Chair
- David Green, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 206-583-0664
- PO Box 4027, Seattle, WA 98194
- West Virginia
- Delegate Mike Pushkin, Chair
- Teresa Toriseva, 1st Vice Chair’
- Contact
- 304-342-8121
- PO Box 11926, Charleston, WV 25339
- Wisconsin
- Ben Wikler, Chair. (Note: candidate for DNC Chair)
- Felisia Martin Vice Chair
- Contact
- 608-336-3217
- PO Box 1686, Madison, WI 53701
- Wyoming
- Joe M. Barbuto, Chair
- Erin O’Doherty, Vice Chair
- Contact
- 307-514-3551
- PO Box 1972, Cheyenne, WY 82003
- American Samoa
- Patrick Ti’a Reid, Chair
- Contact
- 684-252-7219
- PO Box 252, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
- Democrats Abroad
- Martha McDevitt-Pugh, International Chair
- Steve Nardi, International Vice-Chair
- Contact:
- District of Columbia
- Charles Wilson, Chair:
- Linda Gray, Vice Chair:
- Contact
- 202-642-5255
- 80M Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
- See above
- Guam
- Anthony M. Babauta, Chair
- Contact
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Luella Marciano, Vice Chair (Chair is Vacant}
- Contact:
- 670-234-5028
- PO Box 504789 CK, Saipan, MP 96950
- Puerto Rico
- Luis D. Davila, Presidente
- Emarielys (Ema) Marrero, Vicepresidenta
- Contact
- 1250 Avenida Juan Ponce De Leon, San Juan, PR, 00907
- Contact form:
Good luck. Go to it. Let people know how you feel. If you have been writing postcards, write some more postcards. If you like email, write a few. If you don’t mind leaving a message with an answering machine or a staffer, do a few of those. Enjoy yourself.