Elizabeth Warren – A Foreign Policy for All
- Strengthen labor standards in foreign trade agreements and enforce those agreements
- A strong military
- Be vigilant about threats of terrorism, but bring troops home
- Make sure they get the benefits they have earned
- Cut the bloated defense budget
- End the stranglehold of defense contractors on military policy
- Policies that undermine workers at home erode out strength abroad
- Be vigilant about threats of terrorism, but bring troops home
Joe Biden – nothing on this topic on his website.
Bernie Sanders – Enact a Reponsible, Comprehensive Foreign Policy
- Implement a foreign policy that focuses on democracy, human rights, diplomacy and peach and economic fairness
- Allow Congress to reassert its constitutional role in warmaking
- End interventions and bring our troops home.
- End US support for the Saudi led intervention in Yemen
- Rejoin the nuclear agreement with Iran and open talks on other issues
- Work with pro-democracy forces around the world.
Kamala Harris — American Leadership Home and Abroad
- Restore our partnership with NATO and key partners like Japan, India, Mexico, and Korea. We are at our best when we work in partnership with others.
- Prepare for the new threats: cyber-security, climate change, white supremacists at home.
- Fortify critical infrastructure beginning with elections
- Continue support for Israel and work toward a two state solution
- Prioritize the needs of service members and veterans (reverse the ban on transgender service members).
Pete Buttigieg – a foreign policy that puts the values, goals, and national security interests of American citizens above personal political interests.
- Restore American credibility
- A new and higher standard for the deployment of US military force
- End endless war
- Focus on future threats like climate security
- Reverse the rise of authoritarianism and revitalize democratic capitalism