Rebuild the Middle Class
- Workers elect 40% of Company board members
- Strong anti-trust enforcement
- Stop giant tax giveaways to giant corporations; ask the people who have gained the most to pay their fair share.
- Ultra-millionaire tax on the 75,000 wealthiest Americans
- Universal child care
- Student loan relief
- Invest in housing sufficiently so that rent is reduced by 10% and 1.5 million new jobs are created.
Joe Biden
- Restore the bargain between workers and employers, when you work hard you share in the prosperity; restore the dignity of work.
- Education that will ensure that every American has the skills they need and the opportunity to update their skills.
- Build on the Affordable Care Act to ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable health care
- Turbocharge efforts to address climate change and ensure that every American has access to clean drinking water, clean air, and an environment free from pollutants
- Reform the criminal justice system to prioritize prevention, eliminate racial disparities, and get rid of inappropriate sentencing practices.
- Stronger labor laws and a tax code that rewards the middle class
- Enforce existing trade laws and invest in the competitiveness of workers
- Pursue a humane immigration policy that strengthens our economy and secures our borders.
Bernie Sanders
- Fight for working families
- Raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour
- Universal childcare and pre-kindergarden
- Equal pay
- Paid family leave, medical leave, sick leave, and vacation for all
- Simplify joining unions
- Make quality education a right
- A green jobs program
- Jobs for all
- Rebuild crumbling infrastructure
- Additional services for seniors as well as child care and pre-kindergarden
- The Wealthy and corporations pay their fair share
- Progressive estate tax
- Eliminate off shore tax scams
- Tax Wall Street speculators
- Scrap the cap on social security payroll taxes
- End tax breaks on capital gains and dividends for the top 1%
- Increase the marginal tax rate on income above $10 million
- Close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy and large corporations.
Kamala Harris
- Economic Justice
- Reverse the Trump tax cut
- $15 per hour minimum wage
- Empower unions
- Penalize companies that cheat their workers
- Tax credit for renters who pay 30% or more of their income on rent
- Medicare for All
- Raise teacher pay
- Debt free college; refinance current student debt
- Repair the systematic inequalities that people of color face
Pete Buttigieg
- Medicare for all who want it.
- Debt free college, confront student loan debt, support for students entering public service, accountability for universities, strict standards for for-profits
- Infrastructure investment
- Overhaul federal rules regarding arbitration, regulate predatory lenders, strengthen anti-trust, revive CFPB enforcement, and fight big data discrimination
- Create a commission to examine reparations
- Invest in teachers
- Ensure gender equity and reproductive rights
- Support organized labor
- Support LGBTQ right