In March, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order, which was later updated. He closed all businesses that were not essential. Essential businesses stayed open.
Everyone else should stay at home. People could leave home to buy food, medicine, or work if their work was identified as essential. Solitary exercise was OK. Away from your household, masks were required.
We walk. Every day. My wife and I together. That’s not exactly solitary exercise, but it is close enough. We wear masks on our walk.
Adherence to the mask requirement is declining. Sometimes the mask that declines. Below the nose. Below the mouth and the nose. Some don’t wear masks at all. We walk facing traffic. We can stay six feet away, especially from the maskless joggers, unless they surprise us from behind, by walking in the street. There is little or no traffic these days.
The unmasked annoy me. I consider carrying my cell phone to take a picture of those without masks. Post the pictures. I decide against.
I consider carrying a yard stick. A sideways straight arm plus a yard stick is a pretty good approximation of six feet. I decide against.
Someone might take a picture of me. Camera in one hand. Yardstick in the other. Post it as a picture of an old fart.