The denouement of the drama concerning Ilhan Omar’s remarks that were taken as anti-Semitic by many was a resolution against hatred organized by Nancy Pelosi. If the statement were not trapped by the format of whereases and therefores, it could have been written as an interesting and thoughtful essay. Instead, it is a stew. A stew that every Democrat could vote for. One that most Republicans could vote for, too. The 23 Republicans who voted against. What were they thinking?
The Resolution contained;
One hundred fifty four words describing the behavior of white supremacists.
One hundred five words describing the behavior of those who accuse others of dual or disloyalty
Eighty one words describing the behavior of those who foment religious hatreds
One hundred thirty-eight words denouncing the behavior and words of haters.
Three hundred fifteen words describing the behavior of anti-Semites
Ninety-nine words denouncing the behavior and words of anti-Semites
One hundred seventy words describing the behavior of Islamaphobes.
Thirty eight words denouncing the behavior of Islamaphobes.
Some additional words I didn’t categorize.
The resolution didn’t say anything about Nancy Pelosi being a genius. She is, though.