The Hill reports the following states will not have a way to cross check against the results of electronic ballots.

State 2016 President Republican Cong Seats Democratic Cong Seats Republican

Senate Seat

Democratic Senate Seat
Indiana Republican 7 3 0 0
Kansas Republican 3 1 1 0
Kentucky Republican 5 1 1 0
Louisiana Republican 5 1 1 0
Mississippi Republican 3 1 1 0
New Jersey Democratic 1 12 0 1
Texas Republican 23 13 1 0

If it were up to me, which it ain’t, I would not count the votes for President, Congress, or the Senate for any of these states. We can’t trust the results. We can’t check them against a paper measure of those votes. We are losing confidence in our democratic processes.

Maybe the courts will force them. Don’t count on it.