The Russians tested a super fast, hypersonic short-range missile. The Zircon missile is nine times the speed of sound. So said Putin a few days before Trump scrapped the INF Treaty. The treaty protected Europe from short-range land-based missiles. Protected Russia, too.
The Daily Beast reported that US Intelligence (CIA and the national Geospacial Intelligence Agency) described the missile, its launch vehicle, and the accompanying press conference data as a hoax.
A few months before Putin’s announcement, Russia arrested scientists who had been working on the new missile. What did those scientists do? Leak to China which is working on a similar missile now?
Multiple choice: Trump scrapped the Treaty 1) because of the Russian violations that President Obama had questioned and/or 2) because the agreement did not apply to China and/or 3) because the Russians wanted the Treaty scrapped and/or 4) all of the above and/or 5) none of the above.