Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, arrived in the United States on May 13. The Lubinskys arrived in Budapest on May 13.
The Lubinskys were glad to see Budapest. Donald Trump was glad to see Orban. Orban is creating an “illiberal” state that Trump would feel comfortable with – especially if he were in charge.
- Hungary has political parties other than Orban’s Fidesz. They have become ineffectual.
- Hungary’s onstitutional checks and balances have been abolished. Orban says they are not appropriate for European countries. William Barr and other “unitary executive” believers might say checks and balances are inappropriate in the United States, too. Donald Trump might agree – especially if he were in charg
- Orban says that Hungary was invaded by refugees. They threaten the country’s Christian identity. Trump says the United States is invaded by Mexicans and Central Americans. They threaten the country’s white identity. (Though Trump doesn’t quite say that out loud.)
- Models for Hungary? For the United States under Trump? The Economist magazine says – Putin’s Russia, Xi’s China, Erdogan’s Turkey.
- A model for the world? Illiberal democracy is Orban’s phrase. There are elections, but little or no need for public discussion about governmental decision-making. The press is controlled, religious institutions are not independent, the internet is tamed. Orban’s Hungary, Xi’s China, Erdogan’s Turkey, and, if he get’s his way, Trump’s United States of America.