103120 Lens Letters #33 What should the Democrats do about the Federal Courts?

Joe Biden’s Commission should propose an expansion of the District Courts and the Circuit Courts of Appeals.

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Women Candidates for Whom Donations Could Make a Difference

A reader asked. Can you put together a list of 30 candidates for the House of Representatives for whom donations would make a difference? Some Senate candidates, too?

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Political Note #296 Ohio Supreme Court John O’Donnell and Jennifer Brunner

Check out the website: https://lenspoliticalnotes.com  Look at the recent Daily Bits on the website.  Chuck Grassley and the Inspector Generals.  Steve King is gone, does JD Scholten have a chance? Political Note #296   Ohio Supreme Court:  John O’Donnell and Jennifer Brunner 2020                            General election The election of state supreme court judges is important.  We had one election in April.  Democrat Jill Karofsky’s election upset reduced Wisconsin’s Republican majority in the court from 5-2 to 4-3.  And one of the Republicans is not a reliable Republican vote. There is…

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Political Note #129 Danny O’Connor OH CD 12

Danny O'Connor's case for election rests on his work as Franklin County Recorder. Not glamorous work. Not work for a member of the elite. The Recorder keeps land records -- deeds, surveys, mortgages, easements, and liens. Danny O'Connor cleaned up an office which was badly run. He is in tune with his electorate.

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