Political Note #231   Heather French Henry KY Secretary of State

Heather French Henry has had a twenty year commitment to veterans. So she has. Her father was a marine. He was disabled in Vietnam. Concern for veterans was her theme as Miss America. She took it seriously. The late Senator Paul Wellstone and the late Congressman Lane efforts honored her efforts to support homeless veterans by naming their proposal the Heather French Henry Homeless Veterans Assistance Act. If Paul Wellstone could take Heather French Henry, you can too

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Political Note #225   Gary Peters MI US Senate

2020               General Election Gary Peters https://petersformichigan.com/ is running for a second term. I had thought I might start by explaining he was unusual among the men in the US Senate. His family had no pretensions to leadership. He did not demonstrate the aspirations that lead a high schooler to attend Harvard or Yale or Stanford or Chicago. He’s not as unusual as I thought. Of the Democratic men in the US Senate, half did not go to schools like Harvard or Yale or Stanford or Chicago. Or have other marks of being or striving to be members of the elite.…

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Political Note #117 Tom Malinowski NJ CD 07

Tom Malinowski interned for New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley. He went west for university and earned a Rhodes Scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley. He worked for New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then left to earn an M.Phil. from Oxford. He worked for the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and then the Ford Foundation. He worked in the State Department writing speeches for Secretaries of State Warren Christopher and Madelaine Albright. Under Clinton he became Senior Director of the National Security Council managing international communications and writing foreign policy speeches for the President. With Democrats out of office, he became the head of the Washington office of Human Rights Watch. For over a decade, he was a leading opponent of the US use of torture, of tyranny in Myanmar, and of groups like the Taliban.

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