Mike Bloomberg’s dad was an accountant for a dairy company. He grew up in the mostly blue collar Boston suburb or Medford. He went to Johns Hopkins where he was a Phi Beta Kappa student From there to Harvard Business School.
He went from investment banking to creating information systems for investors – making his real fortune, becoming one of the ten wealthiest people in the world. Restless, eager to make a broader impact, he ran mayor of New York City and served three terms.
He had thought about a presidential run and thought again about 2020. He decided it would not happen. It could not happen., Running as an independent was hopeless for the candidate and dangerous because it might reelect Trump. He calculated that Democrats were not going to nominate a pro-business billionaire (Is that reduncant?). His wealth was not an asset. He put it to work strengthening the Democratic Party, supporting Congressional candidates for 2020, fighting against climate change and fighting for gun safety. He will do what he can to minimize Party animus against business. That is how he intends to be an asset.