We’ve met the Deep State and they are us. Not us exactly. They are better than us. They are more thorough. They are better prepared. They are smarter than we are. They are among the very best we have to offer.
And the latest star – Fiona Hill. An American by choice. Not a refugee. Sort of a refugee from a rigidly hierarchical society that limited opportunities for people with accents like hers. She is described by some as the best Congressional witness ever. Or the best Congressional witness the Intelligence Committee has ever seen.
Who cannot love Fiona Hill’s clarity: “It is a fiction that the Ukrainian Government was launching an effort to upend our election, upend our election to mess with our Democratic systems…. If you’re also trying to peddle an alternative variation of whether the Ukrainians subverted our election, I don’t want to be part of that.”
Final Hill added: “I just want to…. leave a message to you that we should all be greatly concerned about what the Russians intend to do in 2020. And any information that they can provide, you know, that basically deflects our attention away from what they did and what they’re planning on doing is very useful to them,”
She argued that it is possible to have a positive relationship with Russia. But that positive relationship does not include acquiescing to what Russia wants to do to our elections.