There is value to early caucuses and primaries. We need candidates who can do retail politics. These are small states (the number of members of congress is a clue to how small they are.

The first four – in order: Iowa’s caucus, New Hampshire’s primary, Nevada’s caucus, South Carolina’s primary.

Nevada and South Carolina were added because Iowa and New Hampshire were too white. There is a difference between the first two and the second two:

  • Iowa is 91% white
    • has four members of congress
  • New Hampshire is 94% white.
    • has two members of congress

As for the second two

  • Nevada is 51% non-Hispanic white
    • has three members of congress
  • South Carolina is 67% white
    • Has seven members of congress

The early states are still overwhelmingly white. Let’s pair them and see what diversity we can get.

First Caucuses

  • Iowa, 91% white
  • Nevada, 51% non-Hispanic white

First Primary

  • New Hampshire, 94% white
  • South Carolina, 67% white (SC primary is on a Saturday, perhaps it could be the Saturday after New Hampshire’s Tuesday)

Second Caucuses

  • North Dakota, 80% non-Hispanic white, 1 member of congress
  • Hawaii, 27% white, 2 members of congress

Second Primaries

  • Wyoming, 91% white, 1 member of congress
  • New Mexico, 28% non-Hispanic white, 3 members of congress