Sherrod Brown
- He seemed perfect. A US Senator from Ohio. Democrats win presidential elections when the carry Ohio.
- A blue collar guy. Not exactly. His dad was a doctor. His gravelly voice, his predilection for union halls. His opposition to trade agreements. All make him a blue collar guy.
- Passes muster on social issues. Pro choice. Favors same sex marriage (Opposed the Defense of Marriage Act that Clinton signed.)
- Progressive on many issues. Opposed any containment of Iran. Opposed the USA Patriot Act. Consistently votes for gun safety. Would restore Glass Steagall. Proposed accountability for charter schools.
After a national “Dignity of Work” tour, considering the prospect of a run for President, he announced he would not. Why not?
- He said he lacked the drive for it.
- The NY Times said he lacked the donor base.
- Many said his support would not stand up to a Joe Biden run.
- Three more things.
- Even running against Trump, even though his first wife is now a supporter, that she took out a restraining order against him during the divorce is not helpful.
- He has experienced election losses. Before being elected to Congress, he lost a Secretary of State reelection race. To a Taft. He knows that winning in Ohio is far from automatic. He could fail to gain the nomination for President and find his Ohio support eroded.
- He is a better Vice Presidential candidate not running for President than running. (Though he says he’s not interested.)